Is Motorcycle Lane Splitting Allowed in Georgia?


Motorcycles are a commonly used transportation for commuting from one destination to another. During heavy traffic, motorcycle riders try to go in between lanes. This practice is known as lane splitting. Although the supporters of lane splitting believe that it saves time and generates fuel. If you’re a motorcycle rider in Georgia, you should know whether this practice is allowed. 

If this question revolves in your head, too, or you need legal assistance, consider hiring a Georgia motorcycle crash attorney or read this article. Here, we will discuss lane splitting and whether it is legal in Georgia. So, without any further ado, let’s dive in! 

What Is Lane Splitting?

Lane splitting is a commonly performed practice where smaller vehicles like bicycles, motorcycles, mopeds or others pass other larger vehicles like trucks or cars by going into some left-out areas between one or more lanes. Although any smaller vehicle can perform this practice, motorcyclists are commonly seen doing this. 

Is Motorcycle Lane-Splitting Legal in Georgia?

Lane splitting is illegal in Georgia and throughout the United States except California. One of the reasons why Georgia has not permitted lane splitting like California is because there is a danger of vehicle crashes. As a result, lanes become dangerous for motorcyclists and drivers. 

Some Important Motorcycle Rules You Must Know

  • In Georgia, no one should get involved in motorcycle lane splitting. 
  • The minimum age for riding in Georgia is 16 years with a Class M Driver’s License 
  • All motorcycles should be registered with the DMV. 
  • All motorcycles should have taillights and headlights 
  • Riders should not have packages in their hands while riding. 
  • Wearing a USDOT-approved helmet is a must. 
  • All riders must wear comfortable footwear to prevent accidents. 
  • Riders should wear goggles or carry a windscreen offering an eye protector.  

How a Motorcycle Accident Attorney Can Help You?

1. Collecting Evidence

After a motorcycle accident, an attorney can help you collect all evidence, like images of the road, vehicle, injuries and more, which strengthens the case. 

2. Negotiating With Insurance Company

The motorcycle accident attorney understands legal terms and negotiates with the insurance company for maximum compensation.  

3. Filing The Case

A motorcycle accident attorney will file an accident case on your behalf, ensuring you get compensation for your medical bills and other expenses.  

4. Educates You

Since motorcycle accidents, lawyers are professionals who educate you about your legal rights and explain what to expect regarding compensation.  

Wrapping Up!

In Georgia, lane splitting is strictly prohibited or illegal as it increases the chances of road accidents and causes harm to drivers. 

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